
Rhetorical Devices In Everyday Life

Decent Essays

Tone, engages your audience in an inviting manner that makes them willing to hear your message. Therefore, tone, is everything when we interact with others. In our everyday lives, our tone shifts several times throughout our day. We speak to everyone, in different rhetorical situations in a certain kind of tone. You would not speak to your parents, grandparents, or even just your boss, the way that you would speak to your younger siblings, or perhaps, even your enemy. Many people question why our tone changes, why we can’t just be our true selves ALL THE TIME! The reality is, we have to hold a certain level of respect to ourselves, and know the authority or position in society that others around us have obtained. From my own experiences, I know that tone does in fact shift and change in every rhetorical situation that I encounter. I would first off like to say that I am a strong believer in the saying “respect is earned and not given”, but I also am a believer in everyone’s right to be spoken to in a civil manner. I grew up in an environment that taught me to speak to others the way that I would like to be spoken to. More …show more content…

If we go to a fast food restaurant, I eat quite fast, and don’t show many of my manners, although they are still there. But, if we choose to have a meal at Bravo’s, Red Lobster, or Giovanni’s, my manners go from “little kid” to someone who was raised in Beverly Hills. The way I write differs from what the assignment is, if it’s just a free write or personal notes, I am allowed to write pretty sloppy and careless. If I am assigned to write a turn-in essay, I will slow my writing down so that it can be neat and proper. The way I dress depends on the occasion, if it’s a beach day, I can dress down and more freely. If we have a birthday party, graduation party, or a wedding to attend, I wear the fancier things in my closet, to somewhat impress not only the people who will be there, but myself as

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