
Rhetorical Devices In The Company Man

Decent Essays

Kenneth Kersey-Russell
Mrs. Jundt
Ap English 11, Period 4
The Company Man Rhetorical Analysis

Ellen Goodman uses satire in The Company Man to inspect the lifestyle of a worker named Phil, “ a workaholic,” a “perfect type A” who, for most people, “worked himself to death.” Phil was busy, working “six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night.” Until one Saturday morning precisely at 3:00 a.m., Phil dies unexpectedly on his day off. Goodman displays that Phil was just a “ Company Man,” all he did was work hard, and get nothing. Showing bitter emotions towards Phil. Goodman uses repetition and very direct and organized language to create a report out of Phil’s life. Ellen Goodman feels that Phil is a victim of his own …show more content…

Going through the “significant parts” of Phil’s life, Goodman stays away from going into detail about Phil’s relationship with family and work life. She explains a conversation said at the funeral: “... the sixty-year-old company president told the forty-year-old widow that the fifty-one-year-old deceased husband had meant much…” Calling the people by their age and titles, names, and not including exactly what they say. Goodman approaches Phil’s situation with an emotionless and bitter attitude by labeling the people in the passage with very little …show more content…

He put his work before family, which Goodman believes no one should ever do. After Phil’s death, his own son “went around the neighborhood researching his father.”Not intentionally but obliviously, he causes so much destruction that won't just go away because of his death, but will continue to destroy more lives if there isn't a turning point in the lives that were hurt to begin with, Phil's family. Phil was so blinded by what he thought was important that he spent his entire life focused on work, never seeing the bigger picture and what mattered the most, his family. His second son didn’t even have a real relationship with his father. The only thing they ever had in common was that they lived in the same house. Phil’s daughter never really made a connection with him at all, Goodman shows that the daughter longs for relationships. Goodman writes, "She lives near her mother and they are close, but whenever she was alone with her father, in a car driving somewhere, they had nothing to say to each other." This statement shows that the daughter is open to relationships, but doesn't really know her father well enough to have one. Goodman shows this by lacking expressions of empathy towards Phil, keeping her from making connections with him. It also shows her disregarded in Phil’s life. His life in a way was a report, emotionless and straight to the point, just like Phil’s life : broad, and without detail. The expression of bitterness

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