
Rich, Middle Class, Class And Poverty In The United States

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how many people in the United States are rich, middle class or poor? It is being interesting reading this chapter because now I understand the enormous gap that exists between the different social classes in the US, and how they are divided. The percentage of poverty in the United States have been increasing since 2000 (DeNavas-Walt and Proctor 20140), and so it continues increasing. It is incredible how much wealth can a person have, and how extremely poor can a person be. Such difference between people is derived from all the several economic classes that exist not only in the US but worldwide.
1- The first item that I would like to explain is how the class system is determined by several factors like income, occupational standing, and educational attainment. The median income in the US is approximately $52.000, which is considered the midpoint because it represents that half of the population earn more than the median, and half earn less (Andersen). When we think about it, $50.000 annually is not that much money for a household. When we do the math more than half of the money is spent paying bills, insurance, daily living needs, so there is not much left at the end of the month. That is why a person with this type of income is considered middle class. Another crucial factor that determines status is the occupational prestige. Occupational prestige represents the worthiness that a person gives to a job. For example, the job of doctors, lawyer, judges

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