
Rich Nix Suicide Case Study

Decent Essays

On March 16, 2016, Mr. Rich Nix was found dead Wednesday at 9:00 AM in a remote hunting camp. The medical examiner arrived an hour later at 10:00 AM and later presumed that he died at 4:00 AM. At the scene, the victim was found dead on the table with a suicide note and pen, pills, broken mug, as well as a notebook. There were two people of interest which consisted of Patty (Mr. Rich Nix’s wife), and Sara Saint (colleague at Wayne State). Sara had been the last person Mr. Rich Nix had texted at 10:00 AM but the message had been deleted and was not able to be reviewed. Patty claims she had gone to her mother's home in Ohio (4 hours south) Friday and left from there at 10:00 AM, the rest of of week she worked from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, then Monday and Wednesday she attended yoga, finally on Tuesday she just went home. We are proceeding this case as a potential murder with Patty as a main suspect.

We rule out suicide as well as Sara as suspects. We rule out suicide due to …show more content…

During the handwriting analysis, her collected exemplar was seventy-five percent compatible with that of the suicide note found at the crime scene. Some of these similarities include the way there are fancy loops in some letters, such as y, x, r, and b, it is clearly visible by the signature of the suicide note the r is exactly the same as the r she wrote on the calendar, when she wrote Rich’s birthday. Looking at ballistics, the test fire from Patty’s gun showed the same striations and landing as that of the bullet found at the scene. The firing pin of the casing of a bullet from Patty’s gun is compatible with the casing of the bullet found at the scene. We have evidence that Patty was careful enough to not leave her own blood at the scene. The blood found on the wall, and the pool under Rich Nix was B- which is compatible with the scene. The test from the glass that the mug and the broken glass from the victim's shoe are compatible in texture as well as

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