
Rideau Canal Skateway: The Winterlude Festival In Ottawa

Satisfactory Essays

The Winterlude Festival is an annual festival that takes place in Ottawa. This festival attracts thousands of people from all over Canada, including the US. One of the biggest attractions of this festival is the Rideau Canal Skateway, which is the largest naturally frozen skating rink in the world. An average of 19,000 visitors come here daily during the winter months to skate in the Rideau Canal Skateway. Apart from the Skateway, there are plenty of activities to do here as well! From things like watching a Hockey tournament, races along the huge decorated beds, taking part in an outside dance party (only during February 3rd), and eating a nice deep fried, delicious cinnamon and sugar, beaver tail-shaped pastry there’s surely nothing you’d want to miss out on! …show more content…

It’s pretty unique “he added. The food at the Winterlude is in fact unique and really tasty! Skating around with a nice crown royal and while holding maple coffee would be a pretty nice

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