
Right To Brazil Essay

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When one prepares to look globally, the rationale we came up with, is that one wants to look to countries that have a large footing in the international world. A change in the fabric of this country needs to be able to shift what happens in other parts of the world just because of the might of the country. This means that countries like Togo are not of great interest when thinking globally. Naturally, this led us right to Brazil. Brazil is a very diverse country with an assortment of different cultures. There are many influences that make the culture what it is today, such as the European settlers bringing new ideas, beliefs and variations. As a result of African slaves being shipped to Brazil, their primeval customs and knowledge greatly impacted the culture. Out of a population of about 190 people 80% of Brazilian people are of Roman Catholic faith. Half of Brazil's population consists of whites, 40% mixed with black and white, and less than 10% are blacks. (, n.d.) “Many original Portuguese settlers married native women, which created a new race, called 'mestizos' ( Kwintessential, 2014).” Brazil's culture consists of having large families …show more content…

The World Bank (1989) shows that the richest 20 percent of the population owned 67.5 percent of all the income, and while this is an older study, the income inequality is still highly pronounced. BBC News reported that despite some tightening of the gap, Brazil is still the 12th most unequal state in the world (Kay, Farrell, & Tayman, 2014). The most severe consequence of high income inequality is that money is power. To clarify, if only 20 percent of the population have 67.5 percent of the income, they have a disproportionate amount of power over the remaining 80 percent of the population. In this situation, laws may not created any longer (due to the lobbying power of money) that have the interest if the poor in

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