
Essay on Right to Privacy

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Absolute Power The right to privacy means controlling your own personal information and the ability to allow or deny access to others. As Americans, we feel it's a right not a privilege to have privacy. IT technology and the events of September 11, 2001 are diminishing that right, whether its workplace privacy or personal privacy. From sending email, applying for a job, or even using the telephone, Americans right to privacy is in danger. Personal and professional information is being stored, link, transferred, shared, and even sold without your permission or knowledge. IT technology has benefited mankind tremendously in so many areas, but its also comes with a price. Advancements in technology make all individuals vulnerable to …show more content…

The USA PATRIOT Act has similarities to the McCarthy Red Scare era and J. Edgar Hoover's reign as FBI director. After September 11th, the United States was still in shock over the terrorist attacks. It's completely understandable that Congress wanted to pass a bill to protect the welfare of the country; but how the bill was passed with very little congressional debate shows the lack of judgment used to realize the ramifications the act may cause in the future. The USA PATRIOT Act infringes on every Americans fundamental right to privacy. The Bush Administration submitted lawmaking proposals after the terrorist attacks. Congress was given one week by Attorney John Ashcroft to pass the bill without changes. Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy (VT) convinced the Justice Department to agree to some changes; but Attorney General Ashcroft warned if the bill was not passed immediately and if changes were made Congress would be blamed for future terrorist attacks. The bill passed without major changes or debate. The Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001. However, the proposal was not passed unanimously. One lone Senator named Russ Feingold (D-WI) was the only senate member to object to the bill and voiced his concerns. Feingold states that: The Administration's proposed bill contained vast new powers for law enforcement, some drafted in haste and others that came from the FBI's wish list that

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