
Rise And Impact Of Industrialization

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The Rise and Impact of Industrialization Industrialization began to rise is the mid-eighteenth century. Industrialization is defined as, “the process that transformed agrarian and handicraft-centered economies into economies that depended on industry and machine manufacture” (Bentley, Ziegler, 652). Industrializations started implementations of large industries and machines manufacturing that created the need for highly skilled workers. The use of machines led to increased productivity. With increasing productivity, came a need for new and better technology. A large area of industrialization was based around improving existing technological while also developing new machines and techniques for the production process. Overall, industrialization had an enormous effect on the global economy and was the base of the industries we are accustom to now. Preindustrial economies relied highly on agricultural production and because they relied of agricultural production, most of the population lived in rural areas (Deane, 13-14). These Economies also had very few skilled workers. Most employees worked at various jobs, even in several different fields. An example of this kind of worker would be a miner, who during harvest time, would also work out in the fields. The first country that started the switch into the industrial times …show more content…

One impact was the increase in the standard of living. A major factor that led to higher standards of living was capital. Capital investments such as; large industries, roadways, canals, and mechanical equipment produce higher standards of living because the citizens of these cities, that have capital investments, take pride in knowing that they have built or worked to produce them (Deane, 162). Populations began to increase and people started to live longer. Jobs were more readily available which increased the income of families and prices began to fall so families were able to buy

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