
Risk Management Plays a Vital Role in Healthcare Organizations

Satisfactory Essays

Risk managers are a vital lifeline in the healthcare organization. If this organization had an active risk manager in place, many of the events leading up to the infant losing its life could have been prevented. There are many steps that a risk manager must take once a risk is identified, this paper will walk through the steps that are required after the risk happened. A risk manager plays an important role with the events in this infant case study. Risk managers hold a wide variety of responsibilities that include: risk identification, risk control, risk financing, claims management, policy review, safety, security, corporate and regulatory compliance, accreditation compliance, mandatory event reporting, and worker’s …show more content…

Once the root cause analysis and action plan have been prepared and submitted to The Joint Commission, they will decide if the plans are adequate. If the determination that an event is reviewable under the Sentinel Event Policy occurs more than forty five calendar days following the known occurrence of the event, the hospital’s response will be due in fifteen calendar days. If the hospital has failed to submit a root cause analysis within an additional 45 days following its due date, its accreditation decision may be impacted (Sentinel Events, n.d). Once a sentinel event takes place, the next step is to perform a root cause analysis. Root cause analysis is a systematic process used to address problems or non-conformance to identify the source of the problem. A root cause is the underlying breakdown or failure of a process when resolved, prevents the problem from recurring (Connelly, 2012). As soon as the event happens the root analysis should begin and should include everyone involved. The team should list in chronological order all the steps related to the error. A cause and effect diagram is useful to visualize the steps that lead up to the event. After identifying the root cause, the team can develop prevention measures and plans for evaluation known as the action plan. The analysis should provide a solution that prevents future

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