
Risk Taking Behaviors

Decent Essays

Over 70% of adolescent deaths each year are caused by risk-taking behaviors, such as reckless driving. Even though parents allow their adolescent to be more independent, adolescents tend to engage in more maladaptive, risky behaviors when unsupervised. Due to the immaturity of their prefrontal cortex, adolescents may not yet have the cognitive resources to effectively avoid risky behaviors and so parents may play an important role, helping their children to regulate their behaviors and engage in more adaptive decision making. Each adolescent took a simulated driving course with stoplights had to decide on either to stop or go by pressing one of two buttons. The goal was to get through the course as fast as they could, which resulted in more …show more content…

All participants provided written assent. The data was collected by using an MRI scanner. They used quantitative data, but taking all of the participants data and comparing it to the others.
They found out that adolescents make significantly more risky decisions when alone than when their mothers were present. The analysis they used correlation of alone vs. mother.
The approach of the research was developmental. They are trying to figure out what parts of the brain are reacting when the adolescents make a decision and why they take more risk when their parents are not around.
The book states “how adolescents drive depends on who is in the car; adolescents drive much more safely when their parents are passengers than when they are driving alone or with their friends” (Steinburg 66). I believe this is true, because from the study they found out that all of the participants took more risk when they were alone than when their mother was watching them.
Risk taking is a big problem for adolescents. They tend to take more risk because of their peer groups to impress them instead of thinking of the consequences their decision may cause. From this article I learned what parts of the brain react to their decision on just deciding to stop or go at a traffic

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