
Risks Affected By Technology

Decent Essays

Technology has made life worse by drifting families apart and there are many risks that can come with using technology. Since technology has advanced many different kinds of relationships have changed. In the article “...” the author states, “An 8-year old states her father prefers technology over family” Of course because she was only 8 she was joking around, but she only said this after she had heard her mom say it several times to her husband when he was using technology. Not only do people not put their technology down, but people have trouble communicating when they are in person. From my personal experience whenever my friends and I hang out outside of school they are mostly on their phones and it’s hard to have a conversation when they are not paying attention to what you saying and instead are on their phones talking to other people. …show more content…

People are more likely to get in car crashes than they were in the 80s this is due to the rise in mobile devices. People are trying to text and drive at the same time which on average takes about 5 seconds to read or respond, but it is said that a driver should only take 2 seconds to safely glance off of the road. Not only that but 341,000 vehicles were in a crash due to a cellular device, my dad sometimes does this but in areas where there are barely any cars but this does not make it right to text and drive at all. Additionally, rumours are easily spread and created through social media and texting, with a few clicks you can easily affect a person and the way people look at them. In the article “Are Anonymous Apps Spreading Hate?” the author states “An accusation that she’d be cheating on her boyfriend, Jared. The allegation contained on of the most hateful four-lettered word you can imagine.” This shows that you can easy it is to be bullied and have rumors about you spread within

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