
Rituals: A Fictional Narrative

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hardest thing to forget, is that ritual. We had thought it was fake, as she had not said otherwise, but it wasn't. It was on a dark, warm night in July, the 19th to be exact, and we had gone to a small field in the woods. I had planned a camp out with Rae, Aria and Courtney and told them to bring something they wanted to do. I arrived at the spot at 7 p.m. and waited for the others to show up. "Hey Jade!" I heard Rae yell as she rode her bicycle up the hill. I went by Jade at my old school, I had felt the name Shannon didn't fit me so I went by my middle name instead. I yelled back "Hey Rae! What's in the bag?!" "Just my clothes and something I brought to do! It's one of those ritual things you see on the internet!" She put down her bike next …show more content…

"Can we finally do the thing I brought?!" Rae exclaimed, she had been so excited to do the ritual she found since she got here. "Sure, Ms. Impatient. What even is it?" I remarked, turning towards her. She quickly grabbed her bag and shuffled through it, grabbing things out and putting them in front of her. "It's a ritual called 'We All Know'. You take this, magnetize it using this magnetic patch," she held up an eight-ball, "and tape it this way to a satellite radio. Then you wait for 2 minutes, and break the antennae." She said and waited 2 minutes, then broke it. "Now, supposedly, everything you ask, will be met with an accurate answer! The basis is that this brand of 8-ball, will interact with the satellite and set it to a station, unavailable through normal means," She showed me the radio, it was on station 218.4, that's a station? I've never heard of it before, wait, that's the point... "The site I got this from, had listed a few test questions to use, if all are accurate, then it has been done correctly!" She stated and handed me the device and the list of questions. "How could this even work? It makes no sense." "I know, but you could at least try!" She muttered and pouted. "Okay, okay, sorry." I grabbed the list and read the first question. "Am I wearing a red shirt?" "No." It was correct, but I took it as a coincidence. "Um, are we in a house?" "Definitely not." We were in a forest, it was correct. " Is it nighttime?" "Absolutely." "Am I sitting?" "Yes." We then continued with the rest of the questions of appearance and place... and all answers, were correct. "Okay, this is terrifying, what did you do Rae?" I said, getting in her face and pushing the eight-ball back into her hands. "I didn't do anything, we did the ritual correctly!" She insisted and asked another question, "Are you near us?" "Are you crazy Rae? It's not like it's going

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