Rivalry between Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots
Religion is a main reason why Elizabeth executed Mary. Evidence which supports this reason is that some English Catholics would have preferred Mary as Queen of England. This would have made Elizabeth feel as she would need to execute Mary because Mary gave Catholics a reason to rebel against Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a protestant queen and most Catholics preferred a queen of their own belief. Thus, this was the best time to rebel against Elizabeth and gain a new catholic queen who lead the country. All they had to do, was releasing her from imprisonment. An argument in support of this evidence is that in 1570 the Pope issued a Bull ordering. Catholics should disobey Elizabeth because she was heretic. Catholics must follow the Pope and believe in him as the legitimate head of church. McLaren describes that not solely the papal bull had consequences in the year 1570, but also James Stewart’s assassination:
If the near conjunction of the papal bull and the Northern Rebellion does not explain the change in character of English anti-Catholicism, 1570 still remains a key date in its career. The key event, however, belongs to a British history whose parameters and
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This would give the Catholics courage to take Elizabeth off the throne and crown a catholic queen instead, as this is what the Pope wanted. A further piece of evidence is the Northern rebellion of 1569. It was a catholic attempt to replace Elizabeth with Mary. This would have made Elizabeth feel that she would need to execute Mary because this event happened so quickly as she has only been there for a year. Mary did not agree to it because she knew it would fail. Religion links to other factors such as dynastic reasons, because Mary said she was the rightful Queen of England and Elizabeth was illegitimate because the Catholics did not believe in
Mary's death also had an impact on the diplomatic relationship between England and Spain. The unrest with Spain escalated into full-scale conflict, largely instigated by Mary's execution, which angered king Phillip II of Spain.
The concept of a ‘mid-Tudor crisis’ arrived under the scrutiny of modern scholarship largely through a priori reasoning and was first broadly promulgated by W.R.D. Jones in his 1973 book “The Mid Tudor Crisis1539-1563”. Jones attested a series of problems that “seem to have been ever-present in mid-Tudor England” (Jones, 1973, p. 6), exhibiting a “close relationship” (Jones, 1973, p. 6) with one another as a ‘crisis’. This compounded succession of agricultural volatility, deficiencies in administrative decree, specifically “the troubled shadowed reigns of Edward VI and Mary I,” (Jones, 1973, p.19) and divisive religious reformation, as Jones was to surmise, directly resulted in fluctuations
The Extent to Which England was a Protestant Country by 1547 In this essay, I shall be exploring the extent of how Protestant a country England was by 1547. The differences between Protestantism and Catholicism form a solid base in order to understand the situation in 1547 and decide which religion became more popular. Traditional Catholic beliefs rested on seven Sacraments: Baptism, Penance and Reconciliation, Last rites, Holy Orders, Marriage and the Eucharist. They believed in ‘Justification by Good works’.
If Mary had only went along with the girls’ plan the whole time, she would have been a static character in the book. Mary Warren, while she isn’t responsible for Elizabeth being accused, she is responsible for the poppet in the Proctors’ home. Mary is also technically responsible for John Proctors death, even though things already werent looking good for him, Mary had pushed it to the edge. Mary made change after change, which proves to be important to the plot otherwise things wouldn’t have turned out the way they did, it just wouldnt be the
This essay will discuss the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when a group of catholic noblemen plotted to blow up the English House of Parliament; the target of the plot was King James VI of Scotland and I of England. This essay will focus on how the event impacted Catholics and their treatment in society and law after the event. Primary sources including letters, Parliamentary documents and their insight into how the event impacted Catholics in the years after the event will be used to provide evidence and Secondary sources to provide different historians views on the treatment of Catholics.
What do we learn about Mary Warren’s motives at the end of the act? Why did she give the poppet to Elizabeth?
13. ‘01 Discuss the political and social consequences of the Protestant Reformation in the first half of the sixteenth century.
Throughout history there have been examples of religion being regarded as traditional and of people dissenting from the traditional religion. This essay will trace the footsteps of tradition and dissent of Christianity in England between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries by looking at the statement “… a previous generation’s “dissent” itself becomes “tradition”, and a previously dominant tradition becomes dissent.” (Tradition and Dissent p72). With particular reference to the differences between Protestants and Catholics.
At the beginning of her reign, she made the Church of England the official religion of England and she fashioned her court after that of her fathers. For a woman during that era, Elizabeth was a very daring and smart ruler. For example, she secretly encouraged sailors such as Francis Drake to make raids on Spanish shipping and challenge their naval superiority. When she was a little girl, she was well educated and was able to speak several languages, including French, Spanish, and Latin. In addition, throughout Elizabeth's reign, there was always the threat of hostilities in some form or another. Elizabeth kept the peace between rival leaders of different religions by dominating her court so she could keep the balance of power.2 She was smart enough to come up with a plan which kept the church at bay with their questions of marriage.3 She also calmed the Spanish and the French by entertaining suitors of each respective country; Philip II of Spain and Duke of Anjou of France, but she never married either of them and was therefore known as " the Virgin queen".4 Elizabeth was a Protestant queen who was not always on good terms with most Catholic rulers of Europe. Because of that, there were several assassination plots against her so the Catholics could put Mary, Queen of Scots, in her place. During the 1580's, Elizabeth began to bring her full weight onto the catholic rebels. Hundreds of Catholics died at the stake just as the
When going into more detail about the failed attempts at marriage between both Mary and Elizabeth it is basically repeating the same thing. Which would be that Elizabeth tried but eventually said that she did not want to forsake her virginity to anyone so she had declined any request for her hand and stated that she was married to her country. Mary though did not want to be a virgin she did have three marriages that all failed and even died because someone wasn’t happy or someone cheated on someone. According to both sources by Harmon and Warnicke, both Mary and Elizabeth had some bad encounters with some trouble when they were younger. For Elizabeth it was when Elizabeth found out how Mary had come to get her way into the throne, and Elizabeth found out that Mary was working with people that was attempting to either assassinate or kidnap Elizabeth. Elizabeth kept Mary alive for many years moving her around from prison to prison, and eventually she found out that Mary was plotting once again against Elizabeth so she ordered that Mary, be executed even though she really didn’t want to. Mary too had run into some trouble multiple times in her younger days such as she had multiple threats of abductions against her life. According to Warnicke, “noblemen viewed women rulers as naturally subordinate to them and susceptible, like minors, to their authority if
It was turbulent times for England during the 17th and 18th century. England was in an unquenchable thirst for more power. “During the 17th and 18th century, England was determined to subdue all lesser countries, especially Ireland” (Stevenson, 28). At the time, England was the dominating country, looking to expand their influence across the world. War broke out constantly as the conquest for more land continued. Moreover, war was constant with the three kingdoms, England, Ireland, and Scotland. Revolts in each kingdom also affected the country’s ability to participate in the war. As
Mary, to begin with, was polite to Elizabeth. Mary “looked at her sister with warmth and tolerance, provided her reconciliation to the Church could be brought about, Mary was ready, not entirely to trust her, but to treat her with sisterly kindness”(Jenkins, 1965, p. 41). Elizabeth outwardly converted to Catholicism for Mary, though she remained a protestant on the inside.
However, Elizabeth's reign was one of considerable danger and difficulty for many, with threats of invasion from Spain through Ireland, and from France through Scotland. Much of northern England was in rebellion in 1569-70. A papal bull of 1570 specifically released Elizabeth's subjects from their allegiance, and she passed harsh laws against Roman Catholics after
The needs and wants of the masses were not taken into consideration. In this essay I am going to look at England pre-reformation and reach my own opinion of whether or not England was actually in need of a reformation in 1529.
Mary immediately started passing acts and reforms to bring back the Catholic religion. She also realized, in order to maintain her power she must get married, and she chose Phillip of Spain to be her husband. Many were apprehensive and upset about her choosing Phillip as a husband, but she argued it would be best not only for her, but also for England. However, in 1554, Sir Thomas Wyatt led a rebellion to prevent their marriage, he thought it would cause England to be controlled by Spain. This rebellion was known as the Wyatt’s Rebellion. During this rebellion, 3000 followers marched from Mainstone to West Minister, but they had to surrender to Mary’s troops. Many of the rebels were arrested for treason and hanged and 300 were burned at the stake. This mass execution is what caused Mary to gain her nickname Bloody Mary. Though Mary thought Elizabeth was involved and came close to executing her half-sister, she instead put Elizabeth in the tower.