
Rk Show Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

_____ RKC shows absolutely MUST start on time as advertised by the show host, or they will be issued a fine. The RKC Representative and Senior Judge are responsible for ending show registration for the first show 30 minutes prior to when the first show is scheduled to take place, that way the representative is able to get in order the registration paperwork and transfer it to the judge’s book. $20.00- 1st Late fee. $20.00 per RKC Licensee, for 30 minute extension. Due at the advertised time if host wishes for registration to remain open. $30.00- 2nd Late fee. $30.00 per RKC Licensee, for 30 additional minute extension. Due immediately at the close of the previous 30 minute extension if host wishes for registration to remain open.

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