
Roanoke Observation

Decent Essays

DESCRIPTION OF INVESTIGATION On Oct +++ I visited the Roanoke division of Phoenix Advertising to investigate existing problems in the division. At which time I met with Jim Fuller CEO of Roanoke. Jim stated that the division is experiencing some growth issues and welcomes my assistance in bringing back employee moral and company profits. Jim had previously sent me the Financials and employee surveys I had requested from him. He had also initiated an employee comment box that he supplied me with upon arrival. I interviewed all employees at Roanoke; most were happy with their jobs with the main complaint was the workload, lack of design control and unequal pay. Resulting in , work long hours and be miserable while at work. …show more content…

It appears that unskilled family members had been hired to fill slots in the design, sales and finance departments, their pay was not commensurate with their ability. The hireling of these three employees adversely affected employee morale. A request for the review of all hiring records was submitted. In the review of the payroll department, it was noticed a separate account called, we three kings, containing 135 thousand dollars. I took the time to speak with the accounting department in Roanoke and asked about the “we three kings” account. The explanation is given to me the account was for a client that they anticipated coming on board, and they needed to have the reserves set aside to be able to jump right in when needed. In speaking with the sales department “we three kings” did not appear to be an account on any associates …show more content…

With a competent staff, the workflow should return to normal. All employees should be given an annual review as per company policy. The CEO should be reassigned to the Phoenix Advertising main office and be put under review for hiring unskilled family members, and violating company policy by hiring relatives. Allow the review board to make a decision on his future with the company for violating policy and jeopardizing the Roanoke division. Temporarily The position should be filled with a proven competent director to do the rehires and iron out the issues remaining with the employees. The 'we three kings” account should be looked at closely and reviewed by corporate, if found to be unnecessary the funds should be returned to the operating budget of Roanoke and properly redistributed in the division. Possible fraudulent activity may be occurring in accounting, should this prove to be true the company should turn the information over to local authorities for possible prosecution of all parties involved. Keep the employee suggestion box Quarterly reviews for the next

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