
Robin Hood Greed

Decent Essays

In the story Robin Hood, this story is about a character who has many

adventures with his merry men. Robins merry adventures basically came into

detail of how his life was, and who he really was. But like all great stories, they all

come to an end, but we haven't gotten there yet so, that's put on hold. This story

also comes into realization of how Robin Hood gave to the poor, but he also stole

from the rich. How Robin helped people in need in all their problems and even

when they were in greatly debt. Even in the story, he goes through so much to

help people. Hes even an outlaw, but not for the fact that he wants to help

someone, but because of his background story. Long story short, everything the

king owns outside like, the trees or …show more content…

Was Robin a man of Christ or just a good doer? I believe Robin Hood was just a

good doer. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. But, that doesn't

make him a Christian at all, at the end of the day he was still stealing from others.

Plus, in my perspective, I think Robin Hood was very materialistic. Materialistic,

this means when someone is very possessive to and highly concerned with

material things usually things like, money. I think this because, whenever Robin

Hood and his merry men had a chance they would go on the roads and wait

somewhere, and when they saw someone rich come near they would basically

invite them to a feast and charge them a fortune. I know, technically that's not

being materialistic but in a way that was a way to get money from people,

basically a loophole you could say to get what you want. Robin Hood even has a

safe if that proves more conclusion, with a bunch of locks and they even made a

safe for Robin hood's money. Like, in bible scripture Matthew 12:34 says, ‘You

Brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the

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