
Robots : Robots And Robots

Satisfactory Essays

Robots are programmable devices designed and assembled by human to execute one or more tasks repeatedly and automatically, these devices consider as technological achievements which have impact positively our modern world. Robots have been developed over years by many researches to compete the advanced technology in the world. Undoubtedly, robots are ideal solutions to various aspects especially in an industry which would not be possible for human.
Thesis statement Using advanced technology such as the robot in industry will effect positively on the outcomes.
First, this presentation will demonstrate that robot can work in dangerous situations. Secondly, it will show how the robot improves the quality of production. Then, it will explain how the robot has the ability to increase the production. Finally, it will show the ability of the robot to execute repetitive work.
Body paragraph one
Signpost language: well, the first point is…
Topic sentences:
Industrial robots have the ability to work in situations that are impossible for human.
Supporting sentence:
Industrial robots designed with robust mechanisms and controlled by computer to do hard work
Expanding sentence:
There are many industries have a dangerous environments and difficulties of handling hazardous materials for the workers such as nuclear plants and chemical substances production factories
According to Lacevic(2013) robots in danger place are less effected of the environment

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