
Rock Candy Formation Hypothesis

Satisfactory Essays

Hypothesis: If forming rock crystals takes a specific composition of a solution, then how does a different solution of the sugar water and water affect the way the crystals form?
Topic: Rock candy formation
IV: I will experiment with creating different compositions of the ingredients needed to make rock candy.
DV: I will measure the weight of the crystal in grams, and visually the size of the crystals.
For my experiment, using different sugar solutions, such as sugar water that is 25% sugar, 50% sugar, etc. and I will remove the crystals after a set time and weigh them to measure amount of crystals formed. I will hold the room temperature constant and the time for the crystals to form.
-A pot to boil water in
-Water and sugar
-Food dye …show more content…

Topic: Newton’s Cradle
IV: I will change the materials in between the balls and the density of each ball that transfers energy to the ball on the end.
DV: I will measure the angle of the ball on the end at its maximum height.
For my experiment, I will create Newton’s Cradle and change the density of each ball involved, and I will also place different materials between the balls. I will always keep the ball on the end of the chain the same density and mass. Each time I change the materials in-between the balls and the density of each ball, I will take a slow motion video and take a picture of the final ball at its maximum during the video. I will then print out the picture and measure the angle with a protractor.
-Balls of different mass and density

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