
Roe V. Wade Case Study

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Amber Rosenbach CRJU 1000 Huss 28 October 2017 Case Brief Title and Citation: PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF SOUTHEASTERN PA. v. CASEY, PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF SOUTHEASTERN PA. v. CASEY #91-744 U.S. (1992) Facts: 1. The state of Pennsylvania amended their abortion laws in 1988 and 1989. These five new provisions changed abortion rights and the rules behind it. These new provisions included an 24 hour waiting time before the procedure, consent from a parent of a minor, medical emergency situations, reporting requirements from facilities providing abortions and notification to the father of the fetus about the abortion. 2. The plaintiffs included five abortion clinics, a class of physicians that facilitated abortion services and one physician representing himself independently. The plaintiffs filed against the state, enforcing that these new provisions were unconstitutional. Issues: Whether abortion laws and provisions are constitutional with women's privacy violating the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment. Holding: Abortion laws and provisions are upheld, except husband notification requirement. …show more content…

Wade which was the first case that stated abortion as the right to the women which was also under the fourteenth amendment. Women have the right to terminate their pregnancy before viability and without the State interfering. This concludes that women may choose whether to keep their baby as long as it is still a fetus. The State may prohibit an abortion after viability unless medical emergencies endanger the woman’s health. The majority of the court argued an undue burden standard that needed to be addressed. The statue that was created gave women the right to abortion without the state pressing substantial obstacles in the women’s way interfering with her right to

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