
Suicide In America

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Suicide Because of Bullying in America
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” - by Tim Fields
Bullying is a big problem in America. Like being cyber bullying because of you how much you weight. Also being bullied because of your sexuality is different from other people. Bullying can cause big effects on people like having thoughts about committing suicide. Suicide is one of the landing causes of death, and teenagers being bullied is the reason why in America. Suicide stories are important to be heard so we can portent more suicides from happening.
My first article is called “ Cyberbullying pushed Texas teen to commit suicide, family says” , by CBS News talks about how a teenager named Brandy Vela commit suicide. The author's main point of the article is how Brandy Vela commit suicide in front of her family. The article gives facts about on how and why Brandy Vela decided to commit suicide. The authors say how Brandy Vela was being bully online because of her weight. The author had interview the a …show more content…

Koplewicz how gay teens are committing suicide because of bullying. The author’s main point for the article is how landing cause of death is suicide from bullying. The article talks about how 4 teens with different ages and from different parts of America were being bullied for being gay and ended their lives. Also how gay teens are more than straight teens to commit suicide from being bullied. The article mentions how that teens feel the need to fit in, and they don't say nothing when they see someone being bullied; because they scared of being bullied too. The article also makes good points how parents should talk to their teenagers about their sexuality to help build up their self esteem. It also gives facts about how parents can help their teenagers with their self esteem to help prevent

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