If Miley Cyrus, “Donald Trump for president”, and Caitlyn Jenner are examples of American societies moral compass, what does this indicate about what is truly valued. The path that has been chosen will result in a destination, and the destiny of America in the 21st century. Throughout recorded history, people have pinned hope on the younger generation. They give inspiration, and keep the evolutionary process in motion to drive our country forward. Role models set a standard that people wish to follow and imitate. Visionaries with the altruistic goals like Martin Luther King, are being replaced and outshined by “gangster” rappers with messages of hate, violence, and the degeneration of women. Instead of young people wanting to be like Daniel …show more content…
Schools are recognizing this advancement in technology, and are trying to accomplish involvement to help students elaborate on their school work. The unfortunate side to this remarkable advancement in technology, it is giving an easier and more appealing way to cheat. Students have found creative ways to cheat including color coding with candy, pictures sent from cellular devices, and Pictures saved to a student's wallpaper on their cell phone. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” -Robert Frost. A student who decides to take the “easy road” never recognizes their true potential. Their academic Achievements mean nothing,and they have to depend on other people and outside sources. For the student who studies every night works hard in and out of the classroom will receive the same job opportunities. Two of which have the same qualification and connections one will have earned it more. Fairness and equality will not be existent in the problem. The student that worked hard through school just to have been cheated off of will receive the same diploma. Today earning a diploma is just a piece of paper. The academic process is being made a mockery of the people who are not willing to put in the time or the effort into their school …show more content…
News is supposed to be newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events. However, on Fox News, CSNBC, and some local news stations they are giving peoples factual news, but giving people bais opinions about what has happened. News reporters and journalist are committing their time to give citizens a point of view based on what the agency believes. People are forming their own opinion based on the bais information they are receiving. News agencies are attempting to sway the public opinion by manipulated the information to support their liberal or conservative agenda. Unfortunately their are people that will believe everything they hear this is due to the fact that they are unable to access information themselves. Teaching slaves to read was illegal. The reason being uneducated people are easily controlled. News networks can present opinion as hard news, because of public apathy or unwillingness to educate themselves with regard to the facts. Public willingness to accept what is presented as a fact is what makes them easily manipulated to opinions.
Making decisions based on feelings is compromising the decisions based off logic. Logic is a particular method of reasoning or argumentation. For example It is dangerous to drive when it is snowing. It is snowing now. Logic tells you that it would be dangerous to drive right now.
We grew up hearing from elders that education is the path to success. We learned from an early age that the reason we go to school five days a week it is so we can become a member of the successful group. As I read “Against School” written by former New York State teacher John Taylor Gatto in 2003 for Harper’s Magazine I started to question his claims when he wrote that school teaches students how to be consumers and school limits students from growing up by teaching them how to obey. Those statements are spurious. As a matter of fact, the school prepares students for life. Lastly, technology plays a major role in school because it expands the learning for the children.
Jesus raised the standard of the Mosaic Laws in the Sermon of the Mount by supporting it with further guidelines to help guide the community. While Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 28 warned the followers of God to not do certain things or else you get certain punishments, Matthew 5-7 gives out a more peaceful set of codes to follow. Codes such as to from Matthew 5. spread your teachings to others, to not commit murder, an d to reconcile with your brothers and sisters quickly. Love your enemies and to not seek revenge or commit adultery. Matthew 6 tells Gods follows to not do big actions and to be praise. Lastly, Matthew 7 explains that one should respect others and to not be judgmental. To give good gifts and follow Gods teachings. To treat others the way you want to be treated.
Many students in today’s world are becoming lazy. As time is there, students find ways to cheat, and lessen their work load through unethical approaches. There are multiple stories from teachers that can just go on about the students that try to cheat the system. The ways of these students could be that they can’t read and are trying to cheat their way through the educational system.
What do you think of technology nowadays? Can you imagine a day when technology and internet disappears? I would answer no because I grew up using technology and it has provided many sorts of entertainment and educational help. Now, I can’t imagine how things will turn out if they disappear, especially for education because I’ve grown up relying on technology for school work and I believe this applies to almost everybody living in this generation. In Trip Gabriel’s article “Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age”, he claims that digital technology makes plagiarism and cheating much easy. The internet contains much information that is free and easy to access for many students. In his article, Trip Gabriel interviewed professionals or educators as well as students of various Universities in U.S. to prove his claims. By comparing examples from Trip Gabriel’s article and David A. Tomar’s writing on ghostwriting business to my own ethnographic study on younger generations perceptions of technology on
Analects is a book of collected sayings of Confucius (Kong Zi, 551-479 B.C.). It is one of the most important texts of Confucianism. This classical text has been translated by a lot of Western people, and remains a hot topic in Chinese Studies (or Sinology). Herbert Fingarette's book Confucius -- the Secular as Sacred focuses on "Li", one of the core concepts about "human nature, comportment and relationships" in Confucianism. As a professional philosopher, the author is interested in philosophical interpretation of Analects. Actually, he has given the first such reading of Confucianism in the West. That is, he has touched upon subjects in Confucianism that a philosopher in the West will pay attention to. In
Technology has digitized the traditional setting of a classroom with its enticement of quick access and efficiency. As alluring as it is to Reuben Loewy that we follow along with the times, others believe otherwise, because they believe it puts the students at risk of not only their
After reading “Stuyvesant Students Describe the How and the Why of Cheating” by Vivian Yee, I can wholeheartedly agree with the opinions and facts presented in the article. Why? The cheating described, whether light or serious, is prevalent in the schools that I have attended. The goal of attending a prestigious university and obtaining a prestigious job has led to a craze over grades, to the point where students describe the feeling as “...addictive, in a bad way, in a sick way” (Yee 20). Similarly, the craze over better grades has led to various actions of cheating such as plagiarism and copying of answers. As stated in the article, cheating has become such a prevalent and normal aspect of schools today that the “lines are blurry”, and that no one really knows what
If Miley Cyrus, Chris Brown, and Caitlyn Jenner are examples of American Society's moral compass what does this truly indicate for our future generations? Young people are choosing paths that will result in destination and and the destiny of America in the 21st century. Role models are people looked to lead by example. The younger generation does not have morally educated role models to uphold standards that the children once did in the 1960’s. Today we are lacking visionaries with altruistic goals like Martin Luther King. He currently being outshined by “gangster” rappers with messages of hate, violence, and the degeneration of women. Young Americans are our country's future. Social media’s are broadcasting scaldis news like sex tapes being
The loves of my life, most beautiful people I have come across with and will always truly
It seems that technology is growing, improving, and changing at an exponential rate. Technology now affects every part of our lives from the time we get up to the time we go to bed, and even as we sleep. One of the major areas that has been affected by technology is education. At one time, the only option for students to complete their education was in a traditional classroom setting. There has become a major need for non-traditional education because there has been a growth in the amount of non-traditional students that exist in our society. The advancement of technology has
Whether it is news channels on the television or whether it is Twitter and Facebook news, the public will always have a way to find out current reports. Since society has become so dependent on technology, a greater amount of individuals get their actual news online and especially through social media. As many of the public know, you cannot trust what people online are saying. Since individuals are so accustomed to getting the news online, many of them tend to believe what they just happen to scroll across on Twitter and Facebook or any other sort of social media. Finding actual facts and truths on the news have become so difficult now, due to all of the millions of different sites and places where we can get our news from. The news online tend to be biased and untrue due to how openly and freely individuals can create their own site and “reports” on current events such as a real news channels would. Social media has just made it more complicated to find the actual accuracy of current events but with enough research, dedication, and using the SMELL test, finding the right information would not be as
However, some would say that within education, the use of technology can influence students to cheat or take the easy way out on their assignments. “Students today can easily access essays, reports, class notes, tests, etc. online, making it that much more difficult for teachers to know if the work their students hand in is original” (Ronan). This dilemma interferes with teenagers processing new information. The Internet is a great tool; however, teens may rely too heavily on it, and worse, believe everything they see. I believe that the internet can be a great source to gain more knowledge, however, one needs to acknowledge how to effectively use this tool to benefit them.
Today, schools are being pressured more and more to improve the technology they use and teach in the classrooms. Parents are placing this pressure on schools so that their students have the skills needed to compete in the real world job market. Students are placing pressure on the schools to improve technology by having more knowledge of
People see them everywhere; on the television, on magazines, and on the internet; celebrities. Since they are in the media so much, they are constantly influencing society, especially younger audiences. These celebrities are not positive role models for today’s youth. They are not positive role models because they make people believe dangerous, and untrue information regarding health, appearance is more important than everything else, and that more money means more respect.
Technology has made great strides in the past 20 years. It plays a very important role in our lives today and even plays a critical role in the way students learn all over the world. Unfortunately, students now rely on technology instead of learning key fundamentals. Technology has replaced the need to learn and most answers are just a google search away. Technology has also become expensive and lower socioeconomic school districts have found affording the newest technology difficult because of their lack of funding. Technology is a great learning tool when used appropriately. The lower socioeconomic school falls behind in the expanding frontier of technology in the classroom because they cannot afford it compared to their counterparts and results in a gap in education. The development of technology in the classroom has caused students to fail the learning of fundamentals and has exploited lower socioeconomic school districts.