
Role Music Plays In Scary Movies

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What make a scary movie scary would be the Music, Actors/Actresses, and Scenery. Music plays a big role in Scary Movies with the Sounds and effects. Music in a Scary Movie can make a person get chills, jump or even scream. A second huge role would be the Actors/Actresses. The Actors/Actresses make or break whether the Scary Movie is good or bad. Not only the Actors/Actresses, also the producers and moviemakers. They decide what Actors/Actresses say, the only question is. Can they play their role? Finally it comes down to the Scenery. Without having Scenery the Movie would just be one black screen. Having Scenery gives the audience a chance to use their imagination, like “What’s over there?” or “Where did they go?” and lastly “How’d she disappear?”

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