Anne is arrested with the eight other people in the secret Annex including the helpers Johannes Kleiman and Victor Kugler in 1944. She is then taken to Camp Westerbork with the other residents from the secret annex, and transferred to Auschwitz a month later. In Auschwitz the men and women were separated, and Otto frank never saw the rest of his family since. Anne’s work at the labor camp of Auschwitz consisted of for example transporting heavy stones and grass mats. After a few months of hard work in Auschwitz, Anne and her sister Margot are transferred to another camp called Bergen-Belsen, but this time their mother cannot come with them. Shortly after their transfer, Edith Frank falls ill and dies in Auschwitz in 1945. Camp Bergen-Belse
After being found and separated all but one of the eight members survived. Anne and her sister Margot were sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. After being there a year, Anne and Margot had Malnutrition and typhus. In March of 1945 Anne Frank died at the concentration camp because of malnutrition and typhus. Margot, however survived for a little bit longer. Everyone else died except Otto Frank Anne’s father, he was the only member of the annex that survived the Holocaust. This all happened to them because one person made a call to the Nazi
“To build up a future you have to know the past”. Otto Frank survived the Holocaust by hiding in an annex for two years straight, he maintained logical and composed throughout the hiding. Otto had lost his family after they were captured by the green police during the Holocaust.
While in hiding, Anne Frank was closed off from the world as she was not allowed to leave the “Secret Annex”. To pass time Anne would read books and wrote in an autograph book she received for her 13th birthday, the book in which she used as a diary described her life in hiding, her various thoughts, and relationships with the members of the Secret Annex in which Anne was hiding in. Before going into hiding, Otto Frank had notified a few of his most trusted workers where they would be hiding. The workers would shortly visit the annex to tend the Franks with necessities such as food and gave news of the war. Although life was hard, their survival from Hitler’s regime seemed promising until in a sudden sad turn of events, one of Otto’s workers
She and her sister Margot were both transferred in a cattle car on a three day train ride into Bergen Belsen in October of 1944. Anne was only 15 years old and her sister was 19 when the arrived . Anne Frank wrote a diary about her life. Later they found her diary and it became a treasured record of the Holocaust. Anne Franks journal is very important because only a few prisoners wrote diaries during the Holocaust. In her diary she recorded her fears, hopes, and experiences. They found the diary in a secret apartment after her family had be arrested. The diary was kept by Miep Gies one of the people who helped Anne hide. Anne and her sister both died in January of 1945 from typhus just a few weeks before the camp was
The Frank family did not stay in Camp Westerbork for long. On September 3, 1944, the Frank family was transferred to the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland. When the family arrived to Auschwitz, the men and women were placed in separate lines. Next, the guards inspected each prisoner. This is where the guards would decide who would go to the gas chambers, and who would serve as a laborer. Anne, Margot, Edith, and
In March of 1945, Anne died in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen from Typhus. Although Anne is dead her father still had hope that she was alive. She and her sister died days apart. Her mother Edith Frank died January of 1945 in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
During The Holocost and World war II there is a family that goes into hiding along with another family. A 13 year old girl, Anne Frank and her familly hides in a secret annex behind a bookcase in a warehouse. After two years in the warehouse gets a new owner who tells on the families that are living in the annex. At first they are all sent to a holding camp but soon after they are split up and sent to a work camp. Annes mom is sent to the gas chamber in which she dies at. Anne's sister become extrememly ill with the Typus diease and not long after Anne also gets sick from the same diease. During Anne's stay in the annex she writes in a diary. When her family is foumd it gets left behind and one of the people who helped hid the family kept it for her. Anne's father, the only surviver, reads her diary and publishes it. Her diary
It was at Auschwitz that Otto got separated from his wife and daughters and never saw them again. When Otto Frank got liberated by the Soviet Union on January 27, 1945, in Auschwitz, he was in the sick barrack. After being liberated, Frank went in search for his family, but he found no one and realized that he was the sole survivor of his family. Otto found out that he was also the only one that survived out of everyone who was hidden in the house on the Prinsengracht. He ended up publishing Anne Frank’s diary after wanting to shed light on the experiences his family faced.
The four of them packet their things and pulled on layers of cloths in order to take them with them and began their walk to the annex on July 9th. The secret annex was above her father warehouse and house the Franks and four other Jews. The other four Jew included Herman and Auguste Van Pels and their son Peter, and later in November Fritz Pefeffer. Between the eight people with differing personalities and opinions the tensions in the annex grew faster than expected, though no yelling could ensue for the fear of being caught. Anne wrote all about the annex in her diary and hoped to have her diary published as a book when she could come out of
Over 6 million Jews died once Hitler came to power, an event that came to be known as the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler had grown up learning that Jews were bad. This is where we think he got the idea to blame them for Germany’s loss in World War 2. Anne Frank and 7 other Jewish people went into hiding shortly after Margot, Anne’s sister, got a letter asking her to report to a Jewish work camp. They were hiding for 25 months, until they were discovered on the 4th of August in 1944, everybody was arrested. Anne Frank is believed to have died from Typhus fever on March 12th, 1945, just 34 days before the Bergen-Belsen camp was liberated. The only survivor of the annex was Mr. Otto Frank. He returned to Amsterdam, June 3rd, 1945. Historical events that happened during the Holocaust can be proven to have affected the annex member’s mood and relationships in the drama, “Anne Frank.”
They are sent to a transit camp run by Jewish trustees with a few German soldiers guarding the camp, after about 9 months at the transit camp they take the infamous train ride to Auschwitz Death Camp. After Anne and her sister Margot contract scabies, a disease of the skin, they are sent to Bergen-Belsen a camp where people are left to die. Anne dies two weeks before the camp is liberated by the Allied forces.
During her time at the camp, she was separated from her father Otto Frank. Anne Frank was stripped naked, disinfected, had her head shaved, and was marked with an identification number. Anne was forced to hard labor of hauling rocks and digging sod. By night, she was forced to sleep in overcrowded barracks with barely enough beds to have all the people sleep in. The food was scarce and as a result, Anne was badly infected with scabies. The infection caused Anne to be moved into the infirmary which was filled with mice and was in constant darkness as there was no lighting. Her mother, Edith, stopped eating and passed her rations in through the holes in the infirmary walls so Anne can eat. On October 28th, 1944, the selection for women to be
Anne Frank was one over a million children that died during the Holocaust. The Frank family was in hiding for quite some time before they were found. The Nazi's finally found them and took them to concentration camps. Anne Frank went to a total of three camps. At her first camp, she, her sister Margot, Mrs. Van Daan, her mother, and other people that were hiding with them immediately got separated from the boys in their family. One lady that worked at the camp told Anne she would never see her father or anyone ever again. Anne and her sister Margot always stuck together. Sadly though, Anne only made it to three camps. She died at age fifteen. Margot was the only one who made it through the whole war. She recently passed away in 2010.
During the devastating time of World War II, a Jewish teenage girl wrote a diary about the gruesome events she witnessed, this diary was named, Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank. Anne Frank lived in Holland and went into hiding when her sister, Margot, got a letter to go to a reception camp. The Franks faced terrifying moments during hiding. They witnessed war outside their window and stayed in the same house without even going outside for about two years.To add on, the Franks had to keep in mind how every day they could be arrested or even die. Sadly Anne and her family are arrested and are sent to Auschwitz, a concentration camp where she would later die. While in hiding, the Franks and the Van Daans, who were also in hiding with them,
The frank family was separated and put into different camps, and after the camps where liberated Otto Frank went on a search for his family. Otto eventually learned that his wife and two children died in the camps. After learning he would never see his family again, Otto was given a gift. One of the people helped hid the Franks kept Anne’s diary safe and gave it to Otto(Linder