
Role Of Reading And Writing : The Achievement Of Desire, By Lucille P. Mccarthy Essay

Decent Essays

The role of reading and writing in the academic setting
Over the semester, we have studied the importance of reading and writing across the essential studies curriculum. In our studies, we have analyzed 3 pieces of literature: Richard Rodriguez’s “the Achievement of Desire”, Lucille P. McCarthy’s a “A Stranger in Strange Lands”, and David R. Russell, and Arturo Yanez’s “’Big Picture People Rarely Become Historians’. We have used these 3 heavily cited and well known articles and narratives to sculpt our ideas around what the purpose of reading and writing in general education is. From the past several papers I have written, I have been able to compile a list of important characteristics from each individual studied in the texts, and have been able to devise my own theory of regarding reading and writing.
Reading and writing are the 2 single most important activities seen in the academic setting due to their key role in modern educational learning. But why are they so important? To understand the modern educational setting, think of a quilt. Quilts are made of a large number of fabric patterns. Each pattern in this metaphor represents a different course or major. The fabrics are held together by thread. The thread is representative of reading and writing. These two activities form the structure around how we build our knowledge. Without reading and writing, learning new information would be an arduous task of memorization from verbal instructions. But with them, we allow

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