
JNT2 Task 1 Needs Analysis

Better Essays

Brandy Moody

Student ID: 000270416

Assessment Code: JNT2 – Task 1 (Needs Analysis)

Mentor: Sonya Wells

August 10, 2014

Table of Contents

Summary of Instructional Problem 3
Current Conditions and Desired Conditions 4
Data Collection Processes 6
Results of Data Analysis 7
Findings of Needs Analysis 16
Goal of Instruction 17
References 18
Appendix A 19

Summary of Instructional Problem

Many students who struggle with reading ask why should we read, what is the point? The point is that being able to read opens you up a whole new world of knowledge and imagination. But to have that new world opened up you need to be able to comprehend what you are reading. The primary goal of reading is to determine the meaning of …show more content…

Also the TCAP does not assess the entirety of the Colorado Academic Standards, nor does it assess the new standards at the same level of difficulty, which will be expected once the new standards are implemented (Colorado Department of Education). So as of the 2014/2015 Colorado Schools will be implementing the new Partnership For Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exam which will be based directly on the Common Core State Standards. So now Third grades students in Colorado must:
1. Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts and they demonstrate their knowledge by using strategies to make meaning of various types of literary genres.
2. Engage in a wide range of nonfiction and real-life reading experiences to solve problems, judge the quality of ideas, or complete daily tasks by using comprehension strategies when reading informational or persuasive text.
3. Interpret how the structure of written English contributes to the pronunciation and meaning of complex vocabulary by increasing word understanding, word use, and word relationships.

Data Collection Processes
Discussion of Data Collection Instruments Used

For this needs assessment two data collection methods were employed to

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