
Role Of The Foster Parent On The Continuum Of Carer And Parent Essay

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Role of the Foster Parent
One of the most significant studies found in the literature was a qualitative study conducted by Schofiell, Beek, Ward, and Biggart on the role of the foster parent (2013). The purpose of the study was to understand the boundaries of the role of the foster parent on the continuum of carer and parent (Schofield, Beek, Ward, & Biggart, 2013). The study was a portion of a larger study on permanency in foster care (Schofield, Beek, Ward, & Biggart, 2013).
Schofiell, Beek, Ward and Biggart recapped on the concept of being a professional, someone who has specific skills and training, which leads to identifying foster parents as professionals (2013). They further state foster parents should be viewed as professional working with other professionals to meet the needs of the foster child (Schofield, Beek, Ward, & Biggart, 2013).Their study attempted to understand how individuals view or define their role as foster parents (Schofield, Beek, Ward, & Biggart, 2013).
The research design used Role theory as the theoretical framework (Schofield, Beek, Ward, & Biggart, 2013). Role theory is a theoretical approach to understand on individuals fit into social positions within a group (Wehner, & Thies, 2014). Role theory is closely related to the theoretical approach of Social Identify theory, the identified theoretical framework for the school-approved topic. Social Identify theory is an approach to understand how individuals identify themselves within a social

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