
Roller Coaster Research Paper

Decent Essays

A roller coaster is based off the concept of potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy of position possessed by an object. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, whether that is vertical or horizontal motion. Because of the forces of gravity acting on the car and the body both kinetic and potential energy can create the rush that riding a roller coaster can give. The gain of height relates to the gain of potential energy. Thus, the equation for potential energy is PE=mass*gravity*height. The gain of speed relates to the gain of kinetic energy. The equation then for kinetic energy is KE=0.5*mass*(speed)^2. Since the cart is in motion, and Newton’s first law states that an object in motion will remain in …show more content…

Since the ride is starting with a large amount of potential energy it will allow for higher climbs and larger drops throughout the duration of the ride. Creating a new ride that starts on a steep decline would also create a greater adrenaline rush for the rider and have a greater effect on the body. The greater the G-force on the body the greater the sensation is. That is why when riding a roller coaster often many either hate it or love it. With a steep starting decline for the roller coaster, the ride will be able to create a better roller coaster that more solely leans on physics to propel the ride forward instead of also using outside factors such as acceleration pads or chains and pulleys to push or pull the cart further on the ride. This change in a roller coaster’s design will change the physics of building the ride and the forces that would impact the …show more content…

The roller coasters also allowed for gravity to take a more prominent role in the roller coaster. Many believe that the main part of a roller coaster is acceleration while the main factor is gravity. Because of gravity the cart can fall down a hill releasing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy as the cart steams to the bottom of the hill. Each time the cart rushed to the top or the bottom of a hill or loop the cart was in constant contact with the track which guides the cart where to go but also produces friction which takes energy out to the system. The creation of a safe and effective frictionless track for the cart to be able to rest on and follow along for the roller coaster then the system would be nearly perfect. The one thing that would be nearly impossible to fix is air resistance. Air resistance would necessarily be a factor that takes energy out of the system like friction but unlike friction air resistance would be impossible to fix because roller coasters are all outdoors. Even if there was an indoor roller coaster there would still be air resistance because the cart is pushing against the normal flow of air. Just like as in running, biking, or sailing the air, or often called wind, that is created by the quick movement of an object pushing through the normal flow of the direction of air. The only way to create a roller coaster

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