
Roman Architecture And Architecture

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The Roman Empire is subdivided into four distinct periods, Roman Republic 500 BC-27 AD, Early Empire 27 BC-96 AD, High Empire 96 AD-192 AD, and Late Empire 192 AD-337 AD. Roman architecture and engineering began as an emulation of the Greek styles and ways, but throughout time the Romans developed their own unique styles and forms. Each period of the Roman Empire adapted or built on some kind of architectural feat. The columns of the Roman Empire are very similar to the columns of the Greeks. The Greeks had 3 styles of columns, Doric which are plain, ionic which have curls at the top, and Corinthian which have the curls of the ionic as well as leaves. All of the Greek orders of columns have fluting, something which differs from the Roman columns. The Romans also have three order of columns, Roman Tuscan, Roman Doric, and Roman Composite. The Roman Tristan columns are very plain with no fluting, Roman Doric are fluted with an abacus at the top to distinguish from the Greek Doric, and the Roman Composite are also fluted with leaves and decorations much like the Greek Corinthian. The Colosseum is a great example of the use of Greek columns in Roman architecture. The colosseum was built when the Roman Emperor Flavian returned the land from the Golden Palace to the Roman people. The colosseum is a massive amphitheater that could seat 50,000 people and has an underground staging area called a hypogeum. The three levels of the colosseum each feature a different Greek

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