
Roman Empire Research Paper

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The Roman was the most advanced for its time in 800 b.c. and this paper is about Roman Society and pivotal points in its time.
Who Founded Rome
The twins named Romulus and Remus. Their mother was a Latin princess. Their father was Mars the god of war. The twins uncle was jealous of the twins and he had them thrown off a cliff into the Tiber river then saved by a she-wolf and raised by a shepherd. As adults they gathered a group and found a new city. Meanwhile they quarrelled and Romulus killed Remus. Romulus gave his city the name of Rome. This was only a legend told by romans
What is Rome
The roman society was a forum it was the center of romans government, religon, and economy this carried on to other forums at the center. The kings in the …show more content…

people settled in Rome, 509 B.C. the republic was found for Rome, 146 B.C. Rome took rule over Charthage, 44 B.C. Julius Ceaser became dictator of rome every city the captured they placed the forum in the middle of the city.

Where was Rome built
Rome was built along the Tiber river and built houses on top of 7 mountains to overlook the Tiber in Italy that had less rugged land than Greece where guards could march around the area and had area to farm.
Why Romulus found Rome
If Romulus and Remus weren’t thrown off that cliff into the Tiber river there wouldn’t be a Rome to talk about today. When Rome was found in 800 B.C. instantly people were flooding in just because in it was so big at the time and to think it all began when Romulus and Remus’s uncle was jealous and threw them off of that cliff this is still just a legend. How was Rome founded
Romulus and Remus were saved by a she wolf after being thrown off a cliff into the Tiber and was raised by a shepherd to grow up and gather a group but conflict was brewing when they found a good place to build the city of Rome. Romulus killed his own brother and found Rome the society of 800 B.C. that was most advanced in it

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