
Roman Theater Research Paper

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In contrast to ancient Greece, comedy was more popular in Rome than tragedy
The first permanent theatre structures in Rome were dedicated to the god Venus. It is not clear where the Roman got the plan for their theatre but the design was elaborate. The theaters had a stage house which were corridors that provided access to the orchestra area or auditorium. The pulpitum or stage was raised about five feet and had a curtain. The scanae frons was the method of scenery for Roman theatre.
Roman theater comes right after the greek one. Roman theater was obviously inspired from the greek theater but the specificity of the Roman Theater is the architecture of the monument, as well as the structure and the contents of the dramatic shows.
The semicircular …show more content…

The tone is chosen according to the role, the grave and the treble underline the dialogues between fathers and son(sons,thread) in comedies (what explains the exchanges of very fast retorts). The music is only growing in importance in the theater performances. Under the Empire, we see appearing of new instruments in the pantomime, training(forming) real orchestras(bands): syrinx, lyre, zither, trumpet, organ. The ludi Romani (Roman Games) were a religious festival in ancient Rome held annually during September. This festival first introduced drama to Rome based on Greek drama. The ludi Romani honored the god Jupiter
The ludi Apollinares honored god Apollo. The ludi Megalenses Cybele honored the Mother Goddess
Roman Drama
Roman drama was highly influenced by Greek drama. Roman playwrights included Seneca for tragedy and Plautus and Terence for comedy. For details of other Roman authors please see Roman Literature. Two of the most famous plays of the Roman Theatre were the Menaechmi by Plautus and Oedipus by Seneca. Roman dramas had two sets of actors. There was an actor who spoke the character's lines and a different actor mimed the part on stage. The gestures used were also stylized to emphasize the lines as were the masks that they

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