
Romantic Love : A Roller Coaster

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Imagine yourself just getting strapped in a roller coaster. You’re excited, because it’s a new experience for you. As you begin to exhilarate up your adrenalin begins to pump and your heart is beating rapidly. It’s just like the feeling you get in the start of a new relationship. When it comes to romantic love, it may be as obstacle as a roller coaster however the end result is worth everything. Romantic love brings you happiness, it challenges you, expands your mind to new things and it teaches you life lessons. The first time I ever rode a roller coaster, I Just go back in time to how scared and how anxious it was to get on the new 200 feet drop coaster at Busch Gardens called the Sheikra. But, not really I just didn’t want my friends to think I was chickening out or anything. It was so nerve wrecking. I really just wanted to know what all the excitement and hype was about. Before even riding a roller coaster for the first time I just brainstormed the crazy stories I’ve heard from the most complex things to the more simpler things such as losing your life, being traumatized or simply wanting to go back for another ride because it was just that appealing. Now that you’re thinking about that first time, doesn’t it remind you of that romantic que you felt when you were first falling in love with a guy or hearing someone else romantic stories. Listening to my friends tell me they’re love stories or how great it was falling in love reminds me oh so much. I Just remember

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