
Romantic Love Essay

Decent Essays

Romantic Love Inflicts Harm

Love is an interesting concept. Wikipedia describes love as “a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly experienced” ( Romeo and Juliet, written by Shakespeare, portrays the illogical choices that may be made when in love. Another source explains how love is addicting in the poem “The Raven” written by Edgar Allen Poe. “The Gift of the Magi” depicts people who mistake love for lust. The force of romantic love inflicts harm on many because it persuades lovers to make irrational decisions, it is negatively addictive, and many cannot differentiate love versus lust.

Irrational decisions are made daily; however, specific and dramatic examples are shown in the play Romeo …show more content…

In the poem “The Raven”, addiction is a prominent theme. It is shown in lines 82 and 83 when the widower is asking for “‘Respite -- respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore; / Quaff oh quaff this nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore…’” (Poe). If one is asking for a fictional medicine that would dissolve their depression, then they are enamored with something harmful. Specifically in this poem, the widow is drunk on memories of Lenore and wishes to be free; however, he is devoted to his lost love and therefore will never become independent. Another example of co-dependence is portrayed later in the poem. Poe writes, “‘By heaven that bends above us -- by that God we both adore -- / Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, / It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore - …’” (92-94). The man is so obsessed with his partner, that he asks if he will see her in Aidenn, which is heaven. . When someone is in love with another, then spending time together is normal; however, when the romantic relationship is over, the people have to get over their loss. This man is addicted to Lenore because he is unable to move on from her and the memories made together. On the topic of differences, lust and love are opposites. And although it may seem simple to differentiate the two, many are not able to figure out the differences between the two types of

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