
Romeo And Juliet Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

There are many comparisons and changes between ¨Romeo and Juliet,¨ the movie, and ¨Romeo + Juliet,¨ the play. ¨Romeo and Juliet¨ is about how Romeo attends a party he isn't supposed to and he meets Juliet. They kiss and decide they want to live together forever. Juliet was set to marry Paris, but she loves Romeo, so she drinks a potion making her appear dead. When Romeo finds Juliet, he thinks she is dead, so he decides to commit suicide. When Juliet wakes up, she finds Romeo dead, so she commits suicide as well, both being unable to cope with the death of their beloved. There are similarities and differences between the play and the movie, because the director wanted the movie to be innovative, so it would appeal to common society. The first similarity between the play and the movie of Shakespeare's play, would be the use of Shakespearean language. Even though the movie is modernized, the old …show more content…

When a rumor is heard that Paris is going to propose to Juliet, Lady Capulet confronts her about the decision. Juliet, wanting to please her mother, agrees to give Paris a chance. Capulet thinks that his daughter is too young to marry anyone. He doesn’t want his daughter to grow up and leave him, because in that era, as soon as the bride would marry, she would leave her family, and he can’t bear the thought of losing his only daughter. Although, there are quite a few similarities, there are also many differences. Some of the many differences have to do with the modern adaptation of the play to the movie. One of the more noticeable differences of the play to the movie, is the age difference. In the play, Romeo is 18 and Juliet is 13. However, in the movie, Romeo is 28 and Juliet is 16. This is in order to relate to the younger audience watching the play during that time period. However, the age difference is use to shock people watching the

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