
Romeo And Juliet Figurative Language

Decent Essays

Some students say that Oregon City High School should require that students read “Romeo and Juliet” in the future, because it teaches you figurative language, the meaning of love, and that it helps you with modern reading. However I believe that Romeo and Juliet has no relation to the modern day, and that it teaches students bad morals; First, Most of the language we use now-a-day is no where near as complex as the writing in Romeo and Juliet - excusing the sayings. Second, Romeo and Juliet teaches children bad morals that they could possibly do later in life. Finally, Why teach us about language in the “olden days” when kids in school are already having a hard time with today’s present language? When William Shakespeare was making …show more content…

Bieber fans are shaving their heads to show their support." And as a result of hearing this, about 1 million of teenage girls shaved their head hoping to support him through his struggle; However they found out later it was just a hoax and many teen girls were left bald in shame of the embarrassing prank. If 1 million girls can be convinced to shave their precious hair for a pop star then how easy do you think it would be to convince them to die for the one they loved. Some lines from Romeo (Act 5 Scene 3 Page 8) has him say, “I defy you stars!...Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain to sunder his that was thine enemy?... Forgive me, cousin.—Ah, dear Juliet, Here’s to my love! (drinks the poison) O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” The meaning of this part can be taken as, “If Juliet dies, then I shall die too; to be with her.” So coming back to my original remark, if unstable teenagers drunk on hormones read this they might think that dying for your love is the only way to show their love; resulting in a homicidal relationship with your “beloved”. Zack Romeli (a student that had also read Romeo and Juliet for school) agrees that, “It's a f***ing 3-day relationship that results in the deaths of like, 5 people. If that's not a sign of an unhealthy relationship, than I have no f***in'

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