
Romeo And Juliet Versus The Teenage Brain

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Romeo and Juliet versus the Teenage Brain
The play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare is a play about two “Star-crossed lovers” from different sides of two feuding households. Throughout the play, the main characters
Romeo and Juliet, make a series of irrational, un thought out, and compulsive decisions. In Fact, most of the play actually revolves around these two characters poor choices. However, today's scientists say that decisions like these are actually a normal part of the average teenage brain.
Many researchers have already explored the idea and come up with reasons why these teens act the way they do, helping to further analyze and understand the events of this famous 15th century play.
During the second scene of Act …show more content…

This is surprising to both the audience and Friar Lawrence as Romeo was still in love with Rosaline and depressed by the fact that she did not love him back before Romeo went to the party. According to the TED Talk: “Insight into the Teenage Brain,” the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed in teenagers, resulting in a lack of thought when it comes to consequences and an extreme excitement when it comes to rewards (Galvan). What this means for Romeo and Grothe 2
Juliet is they are less likely to anticipate possible negative consequences of a rushed marriage.
The excitement of a new relationship outweighs any thought that something could go wrong.
For Romeo and Juliet, the predicted reward of marriage leads them to believe that it is the best decision. Near the beginning of Act III, Tybalt arrives to fight Romeo. Romeo refuses to fight and his friend Mercutio takes his place, stating: “O calm, dishonorable, vile submission! Alla stoccata carries it away. Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk” (Shakespeare 70). Here, Mercutio is challenging Tybalt, asking him if he will fight. This is an impulsive decision by Mercutio

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