
Ron Moore

Decent Essays

A Same Kind of Different as Me

Red River Parish, Louisiana is where this story of friendship begins. In this small town, plantation farms covered the land along with cypress and hardwood trees. Here we meet the first character, Denver Moore. Denver Moore is a slave, who knows his place in the world. He knows that white people have more power than him and his fellow slaves and because of that he avoids interaction with whites as best he can. In the first chapter, he risks his life by helping a white woman change her tire. Because of this one act of kindness towards white woman, he is dragged behind a horse with a rope around his neck by 3 boys not much older than Denver. Incidents like this were common in the 1950s because slavery was still a big problem even after President Abraham Lincoln declared all slaves free. Denver lives with his grandmother Big Mamma and his grandfather PawPaw. He lives with his grandparents because his mother was too young to raise him and his father abandoned them. Denver had an older brother named Thurman and a sister named Hershalee who both end up getting moved to different plantations. In the end of chapter three their …show more content…

We are first introduced to him when he is telling what his most embarrassing moment in elementary school. Ron was born in Fort Worth Texas and has been almost everywhere since. His Art selling business keeps him and his wife Debbie, and their 2 children comfortable in a wealthy lifestyle. Ron Hall is a good man who has a love for art and God. During his years at TCU, he met his beautiful and one of a kind wife Deborah. According to Denver, Miss Debbie “was the skinniest, noisiest, pushiest women he has ever met black or white.” Ron and Deborah lived a happy life with God proudly in the picture. They spent a lot of their time at a shelter where homeless people came to eat and sleep. At the shelter is where Debbie, Ron, and Denver's life changed for the

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