
Rosa Parks

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Rosa Parks, Causes and Consequences in her decision to change Black Civil Rights.

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was a black African American woman who was a civil rights activist. Rosa Parks was the “first lady of civil rights” she made a name for herself in history on the first of December 1955 while riding on the Montgomery Alabama bus. Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white passenger who had no where to sit as the bus as it was full. Even though Rosa was sitting in the right colour section. On this day when Rosa refused to obey the Jim Crow Laws of segregation she sparked the Black Civil Rights Movement. Many experiences had happened in Rosas lifetime, which lead up to her making a stand on the bus. Her childhood experiences and …show more content…

Rosa recalls the times when she was not allowed to try on shoes as the “blacks” apparently had germs or diseases on their feet. They had to draw around their feet instead. All these childhood experiences caused Rosa to make a stand. As Rosa Parks grew older and became and adult she experienced more discrimination. At the age of twenty Rosa married Raymond Parks, a barber, active in black voter registration and other civil rights causes. Rosa faced racial discrimination in April 1945 she finally got a chance to register for voting. She failed three times. When registering the white lady secretary made Rosa fail the literacy test when Rosa knew she would of passed. Also Rosa had to pay more to register as a white lady came in to register to vote and the white secretary charged her less money than Rosa right in front of Rosa’s eyes.

An event that lead up to Rosa Parks not budging from her seat was her experiences working with the NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People. It works on cases about violence against negro home owners. Rosa joined the NAACP in 1943 as a secretary and youth advisor she became one of the first women to be a member of the Montgomery Chapter of the NAACP. She later said, "I was the only woman there, and they needed a secretary, and I was too timid to say no." She continued as secretary until 1957. Rosa worked directly

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