
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Essay

Decent Essays

The last few days of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s lives are interesting, to say the least. It all begins when King Claudius of Denmark enlists the pair to spy on his stepson, their best friend Hamlet, who is faking insanity to catch Claudius off guard and avenge the death of his father. Hamlet quickly discovers their spying, and he starts turning on the two and insulting them for being pawns to the corrupt king. Hamlet later murders another one of the king’s spies, and as punishment he is sent off to England in the company of his former best friends. However, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are unaware that their letter of introduction is actually a request that the English execute Hamlet. Hamlet escapes with pirates, but not before discovering …show more content…

Turning against the king was like turning against God. So it is hardly surprising that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern would show total faith in King Claudius, as they are blissfully unaware that he actually poisoned his own brother in order to claim the throne. From their very first lines, they show just how loyal to the king they are when they “give up ourselves, in the full bent, / To lay our service freely at your feet / To be commanded” (II.ii.32-34). These words, in which they say that they will follow every order Claudius gives without hesitation, do not need to be interpreted to reveal that they are loyal, for the words are loyalty in its purest state. Though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern do eventually have their doubts (we will address those later!), they always follow their king’s orders during their time in the play. Of course, the two are not just helping Claudius out of obligation, as they hope that “Heavens make our presence and our practices / Pleasant and helpful to [Claudius]!” (II.ii.40-41). They truly hope that they can help the king as well as they can, and be as productive as possible during their service. They love their king, or at least their country, with absolute devotion, and are completely unaware of the corruption that now lies at its core. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are like tiny white clouds caught by the winds of an oncoming hurricane, getting slowly sucked into the funnel until they are just more mass to power the

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