
Rough Draft Short Story

Decent Essays

Wiping my tears from my wrinkled face, I put together all the pieces. It was like I just received a huge slap to the face, how did I not see this before? I clutch onto the diary, knowing it holds what my family went through behind closed doors. This ugly truth is the reality that I have been missing.

My knuckles turn white from holding the diary so tightly. Every inch of my body stings and yearns at that thought of my family. My love and my blood, now just are three of the million other fallen ones, who now rest in permanent slumbers.
No, this couldn’t have happened! My family is still okay, they have to be. From all our broken memories, this can’t be all that I can assemble. I sigh, hoping that with one deep breath will make the pain leave my old, fragile body. …show more content…

Dread and sorrow wash throughout me. We spent so long in this cursed building to prevent us from ending up like we did. I furrow my brows. The foul smell of rotting old wood came upon my senses. Now, I could only taste dryness in my throat. This attic has still not changed one bit.

Abruptly, I’m attacked by a wave of anger. It makes me drop the diary that brought back all the pain I was trying to run from. Nothing but this diary is left from my family that was taken away from me.
This is those mindless oppressors fault! They did nothing but conspire against all righteousness. With their gnashing words they broke down people to their breaking point. Their distasteful criminal tongues stole my families lives. They were oblivious to the consequences to come.

My feelings that I have been bottling up come up instantaneously. I slam my fists into the hard wall, letting out every shout that needed to come out. The truth be told those tyrants never meant for good. All they wanted was to treat people like sheep and mark out their enemies like deer in hunting

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