The Pastinachus solocirostris, also known as the Roughnose Stingray, is from the Pastinachus genus of stingrays in the family of Dasyatidae. It is found generally in shallow waters of mangroves off of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. They grow to 72 centimeters across, and is characterized by their pointed snout. The fin disc of the Roughnose Stingray is wide, diamond-shape, and rounded on the corners. They have about 20 upper teeth and 25 lower teeth, with five papillae on the floor of the mouth. Like other stingrays, they are reproduced in embryos inside the mother, nourished by yolk, and then later with uterine milk from the mother. The Roughnose Stingray are listed as endangered, prone to being victims of bottom longline fisheries, used for its
Throwing a bunch of rattlesnakes in a pit and jumping in with them isn't typically the way you would want to spend a weekend. But, this is exactly the type of weekend you will get to experience if you visit the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup.
In Astoria, Oregon, invasive colonies of California Sea Lion have become overpopulated causing depleted populations of native fish, economical issues for the coastal city and they have caused immense damage to the docks. Due to the destructive nature of this invasive species on this ecosystem it becomes necessary to determine what is the most effective way of deterring California Sea Lions from colonizing on the Astoria docks and shoreline. If we relocate the California Sea Lions then, there will be a larger consistent decrease in the sea lion population than when scare tactics were previously used.
Sea minks are now extinct but were once ranged from Casco Bay, Maine in the south to as far north as New Brunswick, Canada. Their main habitats are coastal regions. Sea minks are usually confused with the American mink, but the sea mink is bigger. Sea minks are on average 914mm but the American mink is 580-700mm, so there is a good difference in size. Also the male sea minks are larger in size compared to the females. Their fur is a reddish dark brown, and it is not known if their fur changes during the summer and winter.
CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Achieve3000, August 7, 2015). A rare leatherback sea turtle was found on a South Carolina beach in March 2015. The enormous reptile weighed 476 pounds (216 kilograms). It was spotted on the Yawkey-South Island Reserve in Georgetown County. The creature was brought to the South Carolina Aquarium. Workers named her Yawkey. She was treated with fluids, antibiotics, and vitamins. She was the first leatherback to be found alive in South Carolina. Caretakers were eager to see her returned to the sea.
Nature has a unique way of working, then the humankind comes and ruins it all. The California Sea Lion is feeding off a species on the endangered species list, The Salmon. The Salmon attempts to travel upstream thru the Bonneville Dam where the Sea Lion awaits them. The Sea lion then eat them not allowing them to travel upstream becoming a greater problem for the already endangered species.
The Dasyatis americana or Southern Stingray has a disk or diamond shaped body more at an angle. They have sharp spines on their face. Its usual weight is 97 kg. The stingrays symmetry is bilateral. The main size is 200 cm. The colorings or markings are a dark grey in younger stingrays. Green and brown are the colors of the adults.
Imagine you are in the middle of your typical day-to-day activities. Maybe you are driving, spending time with family, or working. If you are like most people, your phone is at your side on a daily basis. Little do you know that, at any time, police and law enforcement could be looking at information stored on your phone. You haven’t done anything wrong. You haven’t been asked for permission. You aren’t suspected of any crime.
SeaWorld orca adds another to kill count. Zoos are bad because they harm the animals, the trainers have doubt and it can lead to bigger problems, and they put a lot of stress on others.
Most people would not appreciate a stranger walking into their home unannounced, taking their food, and making themselves at home. That is exactly what lionfish are doing along the Florida coastline. Lionfish are an invasive species that need to be contained. The reefs that they consistently invade off of the coast of the Florida are not the lionfish's natural habitat. This invasive species takes shelter and resources out of the reef that other species need to survive, and they destroy the environment around them. Humans have complicated the balance of the ecosystem by introducing lionfish, and now they need to help rectify the situation.
Steller sea lions (Eumetiopias jubatus) are the only member of Eumetiopias and are one of the biggest of the eared seals. Steller sea lions feed mainly on fish, and sometimes even various types of shellfish. Many Steller sea lions can be found along the coast of Western Alaska. Generally, Western Alaska has relatively warm summers, cold winters, and mild temperatures during the spring and fall, with the highest amounts of rainfall during the summertime. Steller sea lions have recently come under the scope of many researchers because of their sudden and significant decline of population in recent times. In some places such as the Aleutian Islands, which is an island chain found in the Western part of Alaska, the population of Steller sea lions
There's a little bird endemic to the United States that's in big trouble, particularly in the East Coast. Scientists fear that the saltmarsh sparrow could go extinct in as little as five decades.
Description: The ribbontailed stingray (Taeniura lymma) is recognizable by its striking color pattern with large, bright and neon blue spots on its oval, elongated body (disc) and distinctive blue stripes along either side of the tail. The upper surface of the body disc is grey-brown to yellow, olive-green or reddish brown, while the underside is white. They reach a maximum length about 70-80 cm with a disc diameter of about 30-35 cm across, and up to 5 kg weight. The tail is equipped with one or two sharp
Bull sharks are large sharks that prefer shallow waters less than 100 feet deep. They are often found in murky waters. This is a perfect recipe for shark attacks, as bull sharks prefer habitats where humans are swimming, wading or fishing.
Facts: It’s life average span in the wild is unknown. The average size is up to 16.5 ft (5 m). It is a carnivore so it lives off meat. The average weight is up to 1,320 lbs (600 kg). It was found in 1990, but first reported in 1852. The giant freshwater stingray is also known as the whip ray.
This includes all 800 species of rays, skates, sharks and chimaeras (Katie Birkett, 2014). Based on fossil remains, it has been known that this class of fish have been around since the Paleozoic period (approximately 250 million years ago), however theories have accumulated that the adaption of the flattered bodies (alike stingrays) had only occurred around 100 million years ago (approximately around the Lower Jurassic Period). Before the stingray’s existence, stingrays had in fact been evolved from sharks. This process took nearly 150 to 250 million years to complete for the first ever rays came upon this earth and also the reason why stingrays and sharks share a common ancestor within elasmobranch fishes. As this occurred, the development of their body shape and the loss of body area enabled early rays to hide and camouflage very discreetly against predators and to its pray. In addition, the process of their evolution introduced a new convergent evolution adding the additional venom stingers we all see in stingrays today and altering the way they reproduction from laying eggs to live birth. Currently there are two types of stingrays: ones in the family dasyatidae (stingrays) and ones in the family potamotrygonidae (river