
Rousing Pathos And Powerful Diction In John Quincy Adams By Abigail Adams

Decent Essays

Abigail Adams utilizes rousing pathos and powerful diction to convince her son, John Quincy Adams, to make the most of his talent in life.
Inspiring her son with pathos, Adams calls upon him to accomplish as much as possible in his life. While she gives her son reasons to act, Adams describes how “The strict and inviolable regard [he has] ever paid to truth, gives me pleasing hopes that [he] will not swerve from her dictates, but add justice, fortitude, and every manly virtue which can adorn a good citizen, do honor [his] country” (Adams 57-61). Adams tells her son that in order to satisfy the demands of “truth,” he must “add justice, fortitude, and every manly virtue” as he honors his country. All of these “virtues” add to Adams’ appeal to …show more content…

While describing her son’s talents and how he should develop them, she explains that “you are favored with superior advantages under the instructive eye of a tender parents, your improvement should bear some proportion to your advantages. Nothing is wanting with you but attention, diligence, and steady application” (Adams 21-25). Adams starts off with “superior advantages,” praising her son for his talents. These words provide a massively positive connotation which inspires JQA to work harder. Next, she underscores how he requires “attention, diligence, and steady application,” all hard work, to make the most of these talents, causing her son to listen to her for success. Even more, Adams reprises her role in everything when she discusses how she was the source of his “incitements towards exerting every power and faculty of [his] mind” and how he also has “a parent who has taken so large and active a share in this contest, and discharged the trust reposed in him with so much satisfaction” (Adams 50-54). Adams describes her role has being the source of his “incitements” of the “faculty” of his mind, using these words to underscore her authority over him. The powerful connotation of these words influences JQA to listen to her advice in making the most out of his life. Furthermore, she uses “discharged” to describe John Adams’s role in all this, indicating

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