
Rttls Unit 2 Reflection

Decent Essays

Term Two Reflection They say time flies when you’re having fun, I guess that’s true….I was too busy messing around with my friends and slacking on my work, I didn’t realize that it was already time to start a new term. As I look back at my last term, I had some successes but I start to wish that I never slacked and messed around with my friends and actually did my work. Because if I did what I was supposed to do I would’ve been able to understand more of my work and get a lot more stuff done. This semester I plan to be more successful. During the term, I gained more knowledge about culture and different varieties of cultural perspectives. I learned how to write narratives, poems, and arguments about the topic. The embedded assessments in unit 2 definitely challenged me in many ways. Determining the meanings of words and phrases, writing arguments to support claims, and writing arguments with evidence and valid reasoning to support claims are also some different techniques I was able to learn during the last term. These are all strategies I am able to use further on in my education. …show more content…

I have a strong work ethic because I am productive and I work at a fast enough pace which helps me manage my time and complete my assignments. A weakness of mine is getting distracted easily. I love to communicate with my friends which is usually the reason why I am behind because I lose focus and stop paying attention. In Language Arts, writing an essay was another weakness of mine because we never got the opportunity to do peer responses and revise our work; but I was able to demonstrate my understanding of figurative language when it came to writing. Another strength of mine which helps me in Language Arts is time management because it helps me keep track of my work and complete assignments on time. These are some skills that are necessary for me to succeed

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