
Ruby Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

“Ruby! At least a roll over!”. I even tried to give her a treat for doing it! She didn’t budge.(I gave her the treat anyway). I tried to give examples of multiple tricks like roll over, paw, and jump. She didn’t move one bit. I had refilled her bowl with water. I took Ruby outside for the spare time I had.

I looked at Ruby, she was just sitting there. I went outside. She had more space to do tricks, “You want a treat, right? Then do a trick! Please?” She sat there, itching herself of all the flea bites she had. I Thought. What if I can get her a toy? I asked my mom If she can go to the store to get Ruby a new toy. She said I was allowed to but not at the moment she had suggested that I go in the morning not now, I told her it was ok.

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