
Russian Culture Vs American Culture Essay

Decent Essays

When it comes to different cultures we never really get a grasp on just how different our culture can be from other ones. In the medical field though it is most definitely important that you understand the differences in cultures because it could affect how you go about treating your patients. Although the Russian culture isn’t much different from the American one there is still a few key differences that you would need to know.
Knowing a patient’s life style, like how they live and eat can be as aspect that you would need to know in any medical field. In the Russian culture follow a diet high in fat and low in green vegetables which includes bread, potatoes, meat, eggs and butter. Since Russian is so big, they have many different religions …show more content…

As far as eye contact, the Russian is no different than the American culture. Although it is okay to have direct eye contact with your patient, Russians are often thought to stare rudely or have little or no eye contact with stranger. When it comes to personal space Russian get a lot closer than Americans may be comfortable with. In fact Russian personal distance lies within an American's intimate distance, just as an American's personal distance lies within northern Europeans' intimate space. In lines, Russians stand quite close to each other, basically touching each other because that is what they are used to doing in their everyday lives. There are everyday basic gestures and body languages that we find appropriate in American but can be considered rude in Russian culture. Putting your thumb through your index and middle fingers or making the “OK” signs considered a very rude gesture. When making an appointment with a Russian patient will try to be on time for appointments or early. Also understanding woman’s role in the culture is important. In some cultures woman are not superior to men and are treated less important but in Russia woman are treated as equals and often It is courteous to open the door and let women or the host to enter the room

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