
Ruth: The Eight Book Of The Old Testament

Satisfactory Essays


The book of Ruth is the eight book of the Old Testament. It was written by Samuel. Ruth was the great -grandmother of David the ancestor of Christ. Naomi was an Israelite Women, who during a famine, had gone to live in the country Moab. When her husband died and two sons died, she decided to return home. She had two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. All three women were widows.
This magnificent story begins with despair of her daughters-in-law. Naomi, Ruth and Orpah suffered a terrible misfortune. The men in their family had died. Naomi assumed that Ruth and Orpah would not want to return to Bethlehem with her, even though the women respected and loved her. Orpah, decided to return to her people and the Moabite way of life, but she

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