
Rwandan Genocide: The United States, France and the Failure of the UN Security Council. Between the

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Rwandan Genocide: The United States, France and the Failure of the UN Security Council.
Between the months of April and July in 1994 approximately one million people were killed in Rwanda. There are three ethnic groups in Rwanda, Hutu, Tutsi, and Aboriginal Twa. The genocide occurred between two different groups, the Hutu and Tutsi people. The Hutu composed close to 85% of the population while the minority Tutsi people make up approximately 14% with the Twa people composing the remaining 1%. The Republic of Rwanda like most African nations has a history of colonization from different European countries with different and conflicting ideas of governance and how a colony should be developed and used. It can be argued that many of the …show more content…

Other chieftains paid tribute and taxes to this one ruler. Rwandan myth traces back the ruling family of Tutsi to all be related to an original Mwami of divine origin. During this time the Tutsi people were generally considered to live in better conditions than the Hutu with more rights and economic capabilities. Tutsi people generally raised cattle while Hutu people were poor subsistence farmers. Although there was still a socioeconomic difference between the two groups it was still possible for Hutu’s to move up socially if they acquired enough wealth (cattle). “Rwanda—History, Pre Colonial” African Studies Center n.d. Web. 22 April 2014
Rwanda was later colonized by Germany between 1885 and 1919. Germany formed a region called German East Africa that also included Burundi and Tanganyika. Because of divisions in social class and frequent wars Germany was able to colonize most of this region very easily. German East Africa was about three times the size of mainland Germany. It was used mostly to grow cash crops of coffee and sisal. Although Germany did establish some sort of educational system for the people in its colonies it mostly exploited these people for taxes and labor. German did little to change the social stratification between the Hutu and Tutsi people. Germany actually kept the Mwami system of

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