
SAT Top 30 Essay Evidence

Decent Essays

P age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus (“Discoverer” of the New World?)........................................................................ 7 Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide) …show more content…

57 Jane Goodall (She lived with wild chimpanzees!) .................................................................................... 59 Marie Curie (Famous female scientist) ..................................................................................................... 61 Stephen Hawking (Paralyzed but brilliant astrophysicist) ........................................................................ 63 P age |4 Introduction Congratulations, and thank you for purchasing Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence, an exclusive special report from! This special report will help enormously in preparing you to write the SAT Essay. In the pages that follow, you will find 30 examples of evidence that work for the vast majority of SAT essay prompts. The examples are drawn from all fields of human endeavor, and there is bound to be evidence that appeals to you, no matter what your interests are. As a professional SAT tutor, and perfect-12-scoring SAT essay writer, I’ve researched these examples from the point of view of someone about to write the SAT essay. I’ve identified useful themes, inspirational lessons, and relevant facts – there’s no wasted words; every detail could come in handy when it’s time to write your SAT essay! In other words, this special report was written specifically to address the

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