
STAAR Test Lessons: My Sophomore Year Of High School

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STAAR Test Lessons: Rough Draft
I took the English 2 STAAR test in late April of my sophomore year of high school. The test determines your reading and writing skills that you’ve learned in the grade level. After a semester and a half of preparation for this 4 hour-long test, I was ready. Ever since I moved to the U.S., I’ve been a smart student. I was always studying every night, went to some tutoring a couple of times to clear out some stuff, and I got the grades that I studied for. I was confident and knew that I was going to pass this test. But then summer came and I saw my results.
The English STAAR test was by far the most stressful exam that I’ve ever taken in my life. I passed every part of the test except reading. I’ve never been a …show more content…

I started my junior year of high school with passing the reading section of the STAAR test as my main goal academically. Of course, grades were the most important but I was really more focused on improving my reading. My English 3 teacher Mr. Frost helped me out a lot throughout this whole process. He would give me sheets of paper full of samples of similar questions that will be in the test and we would discuss them after school was over. The test was on December before the winter break had started. I finished the test with the same question I had when I first entered the testing room. How did I do? I got my results in the first week of the second semester. I passed everything but the reading part again. I looked at Mr. Frost after I looked at the results and I said, “I’m not quitting, I will keep on fighting”. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “I know you will”, he said with a smile on his face. Despite the results of the test, I wasn’t feeling like a failure at all. I felt like I gave it my all to that test and I was proud of myself. The results may say that I failed but I felt like a winner. But I was still not satisfied. I knew that the next time I took the test it would be the last I will take …show more content…

I’ve always been really hard on myself when it comes to academics and it got to the point that I was stressed out everyday. I also decided to be more patient with the process. Mr. Frost and I kept practicing after school every Monday and Wednesday. Two weeks before test day, during one of our after school practices, Mr. Frost told me, “John, I think you are ready. No more meetings”, he said proudly. After that day, we stopped with the meetings after school. Now I was just waiting for test day patiently. The test was on March. I walked in to the testing room with “ How am I going to do?” and I walked away from the room saying to myself, “I did it”. Three weeks later, the results arrived. I was patiently waiting for Mr. Frost to hand me over the results. As soon as I saw the results, I screamed for joy. I, John Paul Adams, passed the English 2 STAAR test. I was the happiest student in that classroom that day. I went over to Mr. Frost and before I even said anything he said, “I already know that you came over here to tell me that you passed so might as well give me a hug right now kiddo”, he said while opening his arms so that I could give him a hug. I learned so much from this experience. It taught me just how hard work really pays off and if you put in the time and effort, with a positive mindset, you can accomplish anything that you want. After failing the test for the first time, I started

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