
Sacraments Of Confirmation: Luiz Bueno

Decent Essays

Sacraments of Initiation – Confirmation – Luiz Bueno
Why do we need the Sacrament of Confirmation? First, we should understand that the Spirit can be given to us in different degrees: in Baptism, we have already received this Spirit, but in Confirmation when the bishop lays hands on us and says, "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit," there is an increase of this reality within us. Making a comparison with our physical development, Baptism is like our birth, and Confirmation is our growth, which drives us to one day share in the plenitude of Christ.
When we are Confirmed, the sacrament gives us two things: grace and character. The character is a seal of the Spirit: is received even if unfortunately, the one being Confirmed is in a state of sin. The most important aspect of confirmation, however, is the grace that this Sacrament gives us to witness Jesus. …show more content…

A person that has not yet received this sacrament resembles the Apostles in the Upper Room hiding behind closed doors, ignoring the call of Christ to baptize all people and teach them to observe all that He commanded.
To bear witness to Christ it is necessary that we get rid of our human tendencies, such as the desire to please other people. To express the Christian faith, especially in the secular world that we are living today, means that we cannot pay attention to what other people are going to think of us, we cannot care if we are ridiculed because of our faith. No wonder the word "witness" in Greek, means martyrdom. The fiber of martyrs, however, can only be achieved with the help of the Holy Spirit that Christ himself promised us at the Last

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