
Safe Home Character Analysis Quan

Decent Essays

Standing Firm

Safely Home is a story about 2 friends that end up separating because they feel God is leading them in seperate ways and the trials they go through. Ben, is a businessman who feels like he is being called to stay in the U.S. because he has a great job opportunity. Quan, a missionary for Christ, feels that God is calling him back to his home country to preach the gospel. I will be doing a character analysis on Quan because I feel that there is much to learn from his character. There are many traits that we should take from him and use in our daily lives. The first trait that I really noticed from Quan is the courage that he had. The only thing that could have given him so much courage was, and had to be God. He had so much faith in God and trusted him to keep him safe, he went from somewhere where religion was not an issue to somewhere where him and his family could be killed for proclaiming the gospel. He was willing to risk everything he had and even his life for Him and that shows much about his character. Quan says, “‘God will make a way’” (Alcorn, pg. 21) That in itself shows that Quan has no fear and is not worried because he know God will keep him safe. …show more content…

This is called Perseverance and he is always trusting in the Lord and he is giving him the strength to do that. His family is threatened and so was his life but that never stopped him from what he was called to do. Standing in a jail cell after being arrested, Quan, yells throughout the jail, “‘Believe in Jhu Yesu Jido and you will be saved’”. (Alcorn, pg. 245) Yelling verse after verse, he did not give up and was constantly persevering. We can take so much from him and use in our daily lives and walk with our

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